Monday, March 28, 2011

Kids Using the Internet

The video that we watched in class today just proves that kids like to explore different thing, in this case it was the Internet and using video editing. The speaker's daughter, Tess, was playing the piano and wanted new music to practice. Where else can you find as many new sheets of music as you want besides the internet.

I think that some people underestimate the things that kids know abput technologies. Tess is and example. She wanted new music so she searched for it. When you use the internet everything is basically at you finger tips. If you want to learn how to play the piano, you can find a video about, if you want to learn how edit a video, there is a video for that, even if you want to cheat on a game just to beat a level there are many videos for that. When the 17 year old boy named Mark who hasnt had any classes about video editing, but he can still do it. Never doubt the things that a kid knows about technologies.

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