I was very fascinated with what this video contained. I was not expecting to be so impressed with what was contained in the video. I really enjoyed how it was a different way of giving a presentation. It was a good change though because usually when you watch a video of someone giving a presentation is that the speaker is walking around on the stage taking and talking with no emotion. The great thing was that it was a drawing which was such a refreshment compared to all the other speeches I have heard.
I agree with what the speaker was talking about. It was a great way of bringing about the topic in a new way. the presentation was something unpredictable.
The things that surprised me the most about the presentation were that you never saw the speaker while he was talking. usually the whole video would be of the speaker just walking back and forth, back and forth rambling on and on. Another thing that surprised me was that the speech was given through a drawing, a really big drawing.
I also think it was surprising that the whole video was one big drawing